TASTE, Casa Cupula, Best New Restaurant in Puerto Vallarta – Fish Cake Recipe

 Have you ordered the fish cakes at TASTE Restaurant, Casa Cupula, Puerto Vallarta?  Want to recreate them at home for your family and friends?  I am happy to be able to share Chef Oscar Rito’s secret recipe!

“Here’s a simple recipe where we can use parts of fresh fish after cleaning.  In this recipe we use cod, but you can use, Bass, Red Snapper, etc..  If you go fishing and have a lot of fish remaining after cleaning this is a great recipe for using the remains.


Preparation time 40 minutes:


Cod .5 kg

2 medium potatoes

1 cup bread crumbs cup

¼ cup chopped parsley

Grated Parmesan 2 teaspoons

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon of pepper

2 eggs, lightly beaten

Canola oil for frying

What to do:

Cook and mash the potatoes. Boil the fish until it flakes easily. Dry and remove the bones. Mix the fish with potatoes and remaining ingredients to form a consistent mixture so you can form small patties by hand (always use a little flour to keep it from getting sticky). Fry patties in a small, medium hot oil until they are a nice golden color. Turn them and brown on all sides and serve. This recipe will yield 12 pieces. Serve with some Tartar sauce

En Español:

Aquí tenemos una receta sencilla donde podremos utilizar los retazos de pescado que nos han quedado después de limpiar una pieza fresca de esta. En esta receta utilizaremos Bacalao, pero podremos utilizar, Bassa, Huachinango, etc. Si te vas de pesca y que queda mucho pescado después de limpiarlo aquí lo puedes utilizar.

Tiempo de preparación 40 minutos:


.5 kg de Bacalao

2 papas medianas

1 taza de migas de pan

¼ de taza de perejil picado

2 cucharadas de Parmesano rallado

2 ajos picados

1 cucharadita de sal

½ cucharada de pimienta

2 huevos ligeramente batidos

Aceite de Canola para freir


Cocinar las papas y hacer pure Hervir el pescado hasta que se pueda desmenuzar fácilmente. Secar y sacar los huesitos que le queden Mezclar el pescado con la papa y el resto de los ingredientes. Hasta formar una masa consistente que pueda formar pequeñas tortitas con la mano (siempre utilizar un poco de harina para que no se nos pegue) Formar los pequenos pastelitos y freirlos en aceite medianamente caliente hasta que tengan un lindo color dorado. Darles vuelta y que dore por todos lados y servir Esta receta nos puede alcanzar para 12 piezas. Puedes acompañarlos de algún alioli o Tartara.”

Under Executive Chef Oscar’s care Taste has earned its reputation as the BEST NEW RESTAURANT IN PUERTO VALLARTA 2011 by readers of Vallarta Lifestyles Magazine.  Taste restaurant offers a dinner menu from four different cuisines:  US, Mexican, Asian and South American, with almost all dishes available in full or half (“Taste”) portions.  New for our second season, Chef Rito will offer a monthly menu D’Autor, with his own special selections combining elements from these four cuisines.

Attentive and respectful service is one of Taste’s most important goals.  You’ll feel warmly welcomed and respectfully treated.  TASTE RESTAURANT is open to the general public, so stop by today.  Dinner reservations are recommended.  For reservations go to Open Table or phone 322-223-2484 x151.

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