Feed the Hungry, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato State

Feed the Hungry currently operates 35 Kitchens that Feed nearly 4,000 School Children Every Day!

“It’s a story of success, smiles, generosity, and innovation, and of course, thousands of meals, served daily to children who say “gracias” and mean it with all their hearts. Take a look at our Video Stories to see how Feed the Hungry gets involved with and affects change in Mexican communities. Everyone has a part in this story, from those who are hungry to those who give their time and financial contributions.

Feed The Hungry is a not-for-profit organization based in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. It is a 501(c)3 in the US and an Asociacion Civil in Mexico, which means that all donations are tax deductible. Feed The Hungry raises money to build small, efficient kitchens attached to schools and then provides a hot, nutritionally balanced meal to over 4,000 hungry children every school day. Feed The Hungry currently supplies 35 kitchens.

Local women are hired and trained as cooks. They are paid year round, given health insurance and a retirement program. Feed The Hungry also employs a program director and supervisors who visit every kitchen every week.”

To find out more, visit Feed the Hungry – San Miguel Allende

Want to help! Click HERE to donate.

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